
USAV/Yankee Memberships

No dues are required to attend practices.
To play in tournaments, all players must have a current USAV/Yankee membership.

Signing up for your USAV/Yankee membership

Infiormation on obtaining your membership is available on the Yankee web site, but club-specific information and help are listed below.

Full year membership

Be sure to print or save as PDF the 4-page membership confirmation/waiver in order to get reimbursed – YOU MUST ALSO BRING A SIGNED COPY OF THE WAIVER TO YOUR FIRST TOURNAMENT.

  • Returning USAV/Yankee members Log in to your existing account to renew your membership (note that Yankee requires you to purchase a new membership at the start of every fall season, even though the system may say your membership from the previous year is good through October). Note: If you played USAV juniors previously, you should log in with your old account and update your information under the “Renew membership” tab and list yourself as “unaffiliated adult” to  be upgraded from junior to adult level.
  • New USAV/Yankee members You will need to set up an account, then pay for your membership.

Filling out the online form can be confusing! Here are some tips that should help:

  • Under “Level of Play” choose “R”.
  • For “Club” select “UNDECIDED”
  • Under “Adult Team Roles”, check the “Player” box.
  • Under “Correspondence Information”, you may want to uncheck the boxes if you don’t want too many emails, etc.
  • Under USAV Waiver Information, you have to click on the link and “read” the form before checking the box that says “I agree to the USAV Waiver and Release of Liability”. The same is true for “I agree to the USAV Participant Code of Conduct”.
One-day membership

If you are fairly certain you will only play in one touranment this academic year, there is an option for a cheaper, one-day membership. Fill out the paper form at the bottom of the Yankee Membership Application page and bring it to the tournament, along with cash or a check to pay the fee.


Year-long USAV Yankee membership (September-August): (Fall 2024: $50 membership).

One-day USAV/Yankee membership: For one tournament only, but it can be upgraded later to full membership (Fall 2024: $30 membership).  

Questions? Email wvc-officers@mit.edu